Hunk of Bannoli

A few days ago, Soren told me that something was a 'hunk of bannoli'.  I was completely caught off guard because I can usually decipher his strange use of words, but I had absolutely no idea what he meant.  I asked him to elaborate, but he just repeated the phrase.  'You know, Mom, it's a hunk of bannoli.'  I tried to figure it out based on the context of our conversation, but was unsuccessful.  We moved on.

Later, he said it in front of my husband and I asked if he had any clue what it was about.  Bill said that Soren meant to say, 'bunch of baloney'.  Ha!  Okay, that made sense!  However, I like 'hunk of bannoli', where 'bannoli' rhymes with 'cannoli' much better.  I think it's going to be one of those things that becomes a Donabedianism.  Those are the little phrases that our kids have come up with, or that we came up with to describe something relating to the kids, that somehow stuck and got added to the vernacular of our family. 

Here are my favorite Donabedianisms:
  • Dubbies - the way Soren used to say 'strawberries'
  • Anduwahwah - the way Soren used to say 'Orange'
  • Snug - Combination of snuggle and hug.  Also a verb, as in, 'Mom, I want to snug with you.'
  • Lotions and potions - what you put on after bath time (there's a song, too)  
  • Crank shaftin' - what you are doing when you're cranky  
  • Seeps - Sleep, as in, 'have good seeps' or 'seeps not weeps', which is what my husband tells me when I'm overcome with emotion late at night.  That seems to happen quite often.
  • Seepin' Sip - a baby that falls asleep while nursing 
  • Rolly McPeepers - one of my husband's nicknames for me because I might, on occasion, roll my eyes and he likes to use a Scottish accent.   
  • Squeaks McLicken - one of Soren's nicknames because he squeaked and licked everything when he was a baby.  Again, with the Scottish accent. 
  • Puffs - what Kieran is when he has a wet diaper because the diaper gets puffy. 
  • Tricky poop -  one that interrupts a baby's nap and there is no getting that baby back to sleep afterwards.  
  • Melon head - we tell Soren he has a 'big melon head' because, well, he does.
  • Sound Dampening Device - my husband's brilliant idea.  He tells Soren to put on his sound dampening device when the baby is asleep.
  • Stinker Pinks - stinky baby toes
  • Fish mouthin' - when you have a sad face with an upside down smile
  • Chicken with crunch - roasted chicken with crispy skin
  • Smiley-face hot dog - when Soren decided he didn't like hot dogs anymore, I cut them into circles for the eyes and nose and half circles to form a mouth.  Sometimes I add cheese hair.  
  • Peanut honey - a peanut butter and honey sandwich
  • Sweetie-po-teetie - another nickname my husband has for me.  It later became 'swee-po-tee' and then we called Soren 'Swee-po-teeny' when I was pregnant and didn't know if he was a boy or girl yet.  Now, I'm just SPT.
  • Eye rubber - a tired baby
  • Toe fuzz - the little sock fuzzies that come off in the bathtub and totally freak Soren out
  • Sangtoo - Soren's way of pronouncing 'thank you' when he was a baby
  • Brunch fries - McDonald's hash browns 
We also call Soren 'Monkachunk', 'Chunkamonk', 'Monkachew' and 'Sopa' (combined Soren and Parker, which is his middle name.)  By the same token, Kieran is 'Shoobashoo' or 'Pookasnoo' or 'Kiefo' for Kieran Foster.  Why?  I don't know.  Random things come out of your mouth when you're sleep-deprived and trying to say anything to make your baby stop screaming his beautiful little head off.   We just like to play with words.  It's fun.  Weird? Yes, but always fun.


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