Flying with Kids Doesn't Have to be a Nightmare

I used to cringe at the very idea of getting on an airplane with my kids.  What if the baby screams the entire time? What if there is a massive diaper issue on a full flight with nowhere to properly dispose of a stinky mess? What if my three-year-old throws one of his rare but obnoxious tantrums? These were my fears. However, it is possible to prepare and create an opportunity for success.  We have a baby that likes to sleep while he's held. So, right before the flight, I fed him, burped him and changed him. Then my husband did his magical baby whisperer move and Kieran slept through takeoff and an hour of the flight. When he woke up, I was able to change him on the empty seat next to me and then feed him. He fell asleep again just as we were descending. It was a miracle.

My older son was beyond excited to go on an airplane, so I really didn't have to do much to keep him happy. We did bring our iPad loaded with Disney Jr. games and he played quietly and chatted with us for the entire flight.

I don't know why I was so surprised by their good behavior. Soren is a great kid. He's good at restaurants, at school and pretty much anywhere we take him. Kieran was the wild card because he was only six months old. He did so well and that experience made me realize that we are ready for a lot of new things.

Teach your children how to behave in different situations and you will be able to enjoy all kinds of new experiences together!


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