Just say, 'when'!

Soren always asks if he can give Kieran a bottle and I try to accommodate when I can. I want to encourage his impulse to take care of his brother. He takes it very seriously, probably because we have drilled it into his little brain that we need his help, pretty much ever since I got pregnant.  The awesome thing is that now he really is able to help in a big way. He runs and gets things for me whenever I ask, he entertains Kieran and makes him laugh, he can feed him with minimal supervision.  He tells me if Kieran has gotten a hold of something that he shouldn't have.  I can even leave them alone together for a few minutes while I take care of something in another room.

I see so many parents who are afraid to give their children any real responsibility. Why? How will they learn to be responsible if we don't let them practice? If we don't teach then to be productive, contributing members of our family, how can we expect then to be productive, contributing members of society?


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