New Normal - Our Unschooling Day

We've now been unschooling for over a month.  We've formed the new normal.  It took a little getting used to.  Old habits die hard.  

Here's what we did today, just to give you an idea of how unbelievably cool this method is:

1.  The boys got up at 6:00 AM.
2.  We snuggled and talked for a while.
3.  They watched a show on TV while I wrote.
4.  We had breakfast.
5.  I went to the gym by myself.  They were allowed to do whatever they wanted.  (My husband was home.)
6.  I came home and made a protein smoothie.  
7.  I turned off the TV at 9:00 AM.  (The boys had been watching and playing iPad).
8.  I started playing some music.  (The Beatles)
9.  Kieran started dancing.
10.  Soren started programming his robot (which he got for his birthday in November and hadn't started using until this week)
11.  Kieran kept dancing, playing with his paper airplane and checking out the robot.
12.  Soren continued working on his robot for an hour.  He can program it himself, without any assistance, using an application on my phone.
13.  I asked for my phone because I needed to make a call.
14.  The boys entertained themselves for a bit.
15.  I said I wanted to continue reading our book, 'George and the Big Bang' by Lucy and Stephen Hawking.
16.  I read aloud for 1.5 hours.  Yes, you read that right.  All that voice training is coming in quite handy.
17.  The boys asked lots of questions about space and quantum physics.
18.  We had a snack, which the boys fixed themselves.
19.  They showed their dad the robot and the tricks that Soren taught him to do.
20.  We listened to more music.  (Simon and Garfunkel and Billy Joel)
21.  We had lunch.  (The boys made their own.)
22.  I did yoga.
23.  I cleaned the house.  
24.  While I was cleaning, the boys played in our basement.  I have no idea what they were doing.  They didn't need me.
25.  I relaxed for a little while, caught up on emails, social media and a little TV.
26.  I made dinner.
27.  We had dinner, as a family.
28.  The boys and their dad went downstairs to work on some Lego projects.
29.  I sat down to write this blog.  

Now, if that wasn't a fabulous, productive, interesting day with lots of learning, then I'm completely insane.  Funny, this is as sane as I've ever felt in my entire life.  


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