When I Grow Up...

What did you want to be when you were seven years old?  When I was seven, I wanted to be a doctor, then a ballet dancer and then a manager at a big company (like my Dad).  No one ever told me that those were unrealistic goals.  My mom said I might want to change the order, simply because ballet dancers have a limited time, regarding their physical abilities.  They let me take dance classes.  They taught me about the human body.  My Dad explained what he did at work and what being a good manager/leader meant.

I was motivated.  I was empowered.  My parents continued to motivate and empower me throughout my life.  They still do that.

Fast forward.  Goals change.  I realized that my body wasn't designed for professional ballet.  I was very tall, for my age.  I was a bit overweight, but not too much.  Still, ballet would have to be something I did for fun, but wasn't going to be my profession.  So, I kept dancing.  I started swimming.  I loved swimming.  I decided music was important, at nine years old.  My parents gave me a flute, took me to lessons and watched me master the instrument, over the next four years.  Then, when I was fourteen, I wanted to try theater.  I auditioned for the first play and got the lead.  That was it.  I wanted to be an actress.  Singing, dancing and acting were my favorite things to do.  I kept the flute playing and knew that should always be part of my life.

I was a good student.  I was involved in many activities.  Good.  All good things.  I also always knew I wanted to be a wife and mother.  I knew I wanted to stay at home with my children.  I've known that since I can remember, so maybe age three.  My parents make marriage look good.  My baby sister made me realize I was good at taking care of children.  I loved being around babies, kids and grownups.  I just loved people.

All of the things I just mentioned are still true, except for the ballet dancer and doctor part.  I am many of the things that I wanted to be.  I'm a wife, mother, teacher, writer, musician and 'people person'.  I love those parts of my life.

However, the one part of my life that I keep forgetting to prioritize is my physical health and well-being.  I'm doing it now.  I've lost 11 pounds in the last two weeks.  That's real progress, but it's progress that I've made before.  So, what do I need to do to make sure I continue on the path to health?

1.  Continue with the Hottie Body Fitzness Challenge.
2.  Continue to track every single thing I put in my mouth.
3.  Continue to meet my friend, Holly, at the gym three days a week.
4.  Continue to work out on my own on the days that I can't go to the gym.
5.  Stop smoking!!!  For good!

The last one might be a surprise to some of you.  I have not confessed that sin in a while.  I don't smoke often.  I never smoke around my children.  They have never seen me with a cigarette.  They know smoking is bad and will ask why people do it.  I usually say, "People don't always make good choices and smoking is a bad choice.  Cigarettes are addictive and it's very hard to stop smoking, once you've started.  So, please, never start."

Soren usually says, "I will NEVER smoke!  It's disgusting.  It smells bad!  Why would you want to put that smoke into your lungs if you know it can cause cancer?!"

I quit before I got pregnant with Soren.  I didn't smoke at all for several years, when he was little.  When I got pregnant with Kieran, it was less than three years after Soren.  I had smoked a few times (when my husband and I would go out or on a weekend getaway).  But, when I got pregnant with Kieran, I quit completely (again).  I nursed both my babies, so smoking never even entered into my mind.  Kieran was about two when I started smoking on dates or weekends again.

Fast forward to today.  I picked it back up on our vacation after Christmas.  I said it would only be on vacation, but we were gone for three weeks.  That's too long.  I didn't quit when we got home.  I still haven't.  Today needs to be the day.  I can't be the mom who dies of lung cancer and doesn't get to watch her children grow up.

So, in the interest of full disclosure, I'm going to ween myself off today.  I'm going to step down to five cigarettes today, four tomorrow, three on Wednesday, two on Thursday and one on Friday.  I will be cranky all weekend, but instead of smoking I'm going to exercise, practice my flute, sing with my kids and play!

When I grow up, I want to be a healthy wife and mother of two.


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