
My Kieran, who is four years old, said this tonight:

"Mom, I'm happy to be home at our house and not in Florida anymore."

I replied, "You are?"

"Yes, I missed our house.  I missed talking to you.  Soren called you and I talked to you on the phone, but I wanted to talk to you at our house.  I wanted to see your, your, um, your beautiful skin."

"Oh, that's so nice, Kieran.  I missed you, too.  I missed looking into your eyes and snuggling with you."

"Yes!  I missed you!  I missed you so much.  I had fun in Florida, but I just want to be home with you."

"I know.  I'm very happy to be home.  I had a great time in Florida, but I was very happy to see you and Soren when Grandma and Grandpap brought you to the airport."

"That's right!  I just couldn't wait to see you."

I had to write that down.  I couldn't let myself forget this moment.  These are the moments we live for.  These are the times we never want to lose.  They can be easily lost.  We lose them when we get frustrated.  We lose them when we allow an angry moment to color our entire day, or week, or month.  My Kieran can push every single button I possess.  He can also be the sweetest, most adoring human being I've ever known.  He has such love inside his little body.

After he said those words, he came and crawled up on my lap.  He snuggled down under my blanket and whispered, 'I love you' and 'You're the best mom.'

What more could I possibly ask for?  What else do I need to be happy?



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