Don't Blog Angry!!!

Too late. I think my head is going to explode if I see one more person refer to herself as a 'Working Mom'. Come on, ladies! What exactly do you mean? If you're a mom, you're working. That might be outside the home for actual money, or it might be working with your children all day, every day. I'm not going to get into a pissing contest over who has the more challenging job. Anyone who has ever taken care of and educated children all day knows who has the more challenging job. Please see my previous blogs about full-time, vs. part-time parent.

I'm tired of people not understanding, valuing or appreciating full-time parents. I know I shouldn't care because my husband and children do understand, value and appreciate what I do. Yet I am compelled to justify my position every time I hear that phrase, 'Working Mom'. Come up with a new way to describe yourselves, ladies, because 'working mom' does not differentiate you from any other mom. My mission with this blog is to educate people who are truly unaware and validate those who already get it. Be honest and say what you are. If you are a parent and you work outside the home for actual money, you are a full-time employee and a part-time parent. If you work with your children all day, every day, you are a full-time parent.

Whew, starting to feel a little better. Parenting is your most important job. You are your child's teacher. If you don't do it, someone else will, but are you sure that's what you want? Think about it. Hard. Your children deserve your best thinking. They deserve every resource you can possibly give them. They didn't ask to be born. They are your responsibility, not the school's, not the daycare's, not the government's. Until people really grasp this, our society will continue down a terrifying path. I don't think that's what any of us really want. I think women and men have been encouraged to prioritize their careers over their families. In reality, the purpose of the career is to support the family. Keep your eye on the prize.


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