Leadership, sick kids and stressful stuff.

It's been a long day. Not a bad day, just a long one. Up at 6:00, after only 5 hours of sleep, took boys to swimming lessons, worked out, took them to lunch (because they were awesome at the Y) and then home for nap time. I finally got the baby down at 2:00, then had to wake him up at 3:00 to go to his brother's doctor's appointment. I discovered that both boys had a low grade fever. They've both been coughing and snotty, but I thought it was just a little cold. So, doc recommended Zyrtec, to clear up the conjestion. I'm not a fan of medicating my kids, but I went out and bought the children's zyrtec. They've both had their half of a teaspoon, so we shall see if it helps.
I put them both to bed an hour early because they're exhausted, and so am I. We all need a good rest so we can be ready to go to Bunbury tomorrow!

Soren is so excited. He still doesn't quite understand what it means to own and produce a music festival on this scale, but he will learn. I just hope they're feeling well enough to enjoy it for a couple of hours. We will head down to the river after Kieran's nap and stay for dinner. After that, I will take them home and put them to bed. Saturday is my day. I will take the boys to my parents' house and they will spend the night. Bill and I are going to enjoy that night together with our friends. I hope! I just can't wait for everything to start. I know my husband will feel better once the gates are open and people are lining up for great music, great weather, fab food, beer and FUN!

It must be gratifying to make fun for people. That's what Bill does.  I do it, on a smaller scale, with our kids. But to have thousands of people, all gathering in one place because of something he created must be an amazing feeling. I just hope he can come home soon (he's already been on site for 12 hours today) and relax. He's going to need some sleep!


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