Taekwondo and New Adventures

We've been contemplating getting the boys involved in martial arts for a year or so.  Soren and Kieran love to do their 'cool moves' and try to fight like ninjas.  When they dance to their favorite songs, they do a lot of kicking, flipping and martial-arts-looking stuff.  They don't really know what their doing.  They're imitating their favorite video games and TV shows.  So, when I offered to take them to a local martial arts studio, they were very excited.

We decided to go yesterday.  The plan was that we would just walk in and observe a class.  We did.  Then Soren said he wanted to try it.  He begged me to sign him up.  So, I went to the front desk and asked for a schedule and class information.  The woman asked how old Soren is.  I told her he's seven.  She then said that his age group would be starting their class in ten minutes and asked if he wanted to join the session for free.

His eyes lit up.  I wasn't planning to stay for that long because it was dinner time and we were all getting hungry.  However, I couldn't say 'no' to his enthusiasm.  He joined the class.  The instructors showed him how to bow, where to stand and how to do the moves.  There were about thirty kids, age six through twelve.  They stood in two rows, with the inexperienced kids behind the more accomplished ones.

Soren was focused, coachable and engaged.  He followed along, as best he could.  I was amazed.  This was the first time he'd ever joined a real 'class'.  He wasn't allowed to talk, to do his own thing or lose focus.  No one had to tell him that.  He just didn't talk.  He was too busy trying to learn the exercised.  He shook hands with the instructors.  He said he was pleased to meet them.  I watched him take instruction and modify his behavior very quickly.  It was fascinating.

At the end of the class, he said he wanted to sign up so he could get the 'costume' that everyone else had.  So, we did.  He starts class next week.  On the way home, Soren told me all the things he liked about the class.  He wanted to know what language they were speaking when they counted and why they kept saying 'hi' with every move.  He liked how 'respectful' everyone was.  He liked that he was included and was not embarrassed because he was the new guy.

I explained as much as I could.  I told him that he would have to commit to the four week session and that meant we would be on time for each class and not miss a session.  We will honor our commitments.  He agreed.  He was so serious and excited.  He can't wait for his 'costume', which I explained is called a 'gi'.  He wanted to look up the Korean numbers as soon as we got home so he could learn to count with the class.

My husband has always wanted to get the boys involved in martial arts.  He thinks they are amazing ways to take care of your body and mind.  They teach discipline, respect and self-defense.  If Soren stays with Taekwondo, it will be something he can do for his entire life.  He will only have to compete with himself.  We like this idea better than team sports, for now.

It's a new adventure for Soren.  Kieran, however, was not happy.  He didn't like it when all thirty kids yelled, 'HIIII!'  He covered his ears through most of the class.  He's not ready.  That's okay, too.  I told him he could take a class with people his age and that the class was much smaller and not as loud. He's going to give it some thought. I told him to take his time.  We all learned a lot today.  Some of us needed more time to process it.  Some of us were ready to jump in.  Everyone was allowed to go at their own pace.  It's a beautiful thing.


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