The Tent Babies
This old sheet has become known as 'the tent' at our house. It was a wedding gift and part of a set from my Grammy. Don't worry, I'm sure she's thrilled to know that her sheet is giving my boys hours of fun. She's probably chuckling with glee as she reads this post.
They have a blanket, two cushions, some balloons and other random toys in there. They're planning and scheming, laughing and singing. Soren decided that they should be called 'The Tent Babies'. (Is that like 'The Muppet Babies'?) He then came up with a little tent baby song. It goes like this:
We're the Tent Babies! We're the Tent Babies! We love our tent! We love our tent!' (Repeat indefinitely.) Oh, and you use a weird, high, punk voice while you're singing. My husband is going to love this. He'll probably start a new band called The Tent Babies. Soren will be the lead singer and guitar player. Kieran on drums, of course. We just need a base player...
Until then, I'm just happy that the boys have been able to entertain themselves while I'm nursing a nasty chest cold. This week has been very long and it's only Tuesday! Let's see, these are the things that have happened in the last 7 days:
My mom and I were talking yesterday and she suggested that perhaps I'm taking on a little too much right now. I know what she means. It's been a little crazy around here this summer. However, I actually do my best work when I'm challenged. I know when I can help and what I'm willing to offer. I won't overextend myself, but I will reach out. My friends have been there for me when I needed them. I want to do the same. It's really that simple. People are complex. They have moments of greatness and times of weakness. If we don't accept people when they're at their worst, we don't deserve to be with them when they're at their best.
This is life. It's real, interesting, challenging, inconvenient, fun, hard, happy, sad and everything in between.

We're the Tent Babies! We're the Tent Babies! We love our tent! We love our tent!' (Repeat indefinitely.) Oh, and you use a weird, high, punk voice while you're singing. My husband is going to love this. He'll probably start a new band called The Tent Babies. Soren will be the lead singer and guitar player. Kieran on drums, of course. We just need a base player...
Until then, I'm just happy that the boys have been able to entertain themselves while I'm nursing a nasty chest cold. This week has been very long and it's only Tuesday! Let's see, these are the things that have happened in the last 7 days:
- My father-in-law is in the hospital. He had a small stroke and is doing fine, but it's scary.
- My husband's grandmother broke her arm.
- A dear friend's father passed away. I never met him, but I know he was an amazing person. How else would he have such an amazing son?
- I took lunch to a friend who is battling breast cancer. She's tough and will win this fight.
- I went to Columbus to visit a friend who is dealing with divorce, alcoholism and a troubled son. She has a long road ahead of her, but she can get through this.
- I started my Arbonne business. No stress there. It's been really fun!
- My husband and I are discussing putting our house on the market. (And, back to stress.)
- My husband is working like a crazy man to grow his businesses. He's under tremendous pressure right now.
- Our children are, well, children. Soren starts Montessori preschool in a couple of weeks.
- I'm sick.
I realize that only four of these items actually belong to me. However, when we care about others, we care about their problems or issues. We can't fight their battles for them, but we can lend an ear. We can't fix everything, but we can offer support.
My mom and I were talking yesterday and she suggested that perhaps I'm taking on a little too much right now. I know what she means. It's been a little crazy around here this summer. However, I actually do my best work when I'm challenged. I know when I can help and what I'm willing to offer. I won't overextend myself, but I will reach out. My friends have been there for me when I needed them. I want to do the same. It's really that simple. People are complex. They have moments of greatness and times of weakness. If we don't accept people when they're at their worst, we don't deserve to be with them when they're at their best.
This is life. It's real, interesting, challenging, inconvenient, fun, hard, happy, sad and everything in between.
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