The Balancing Act (No more broken bones!)
This has been quite a week. Quite a week, indeed. My two-year-old broke his elbow last Friday. He jumped off the back of our couch. I didn't see it happen, but I did hear the thud and the scream. In the 10 seconds that it took me to run from the kitchen to the playroom, my older son told me what happened. 'Kieran jumped off the couch! Kieran jumped off the couch!'
I scooped Kieran up and tried to figure out what part was hurting. I couldn't tell. Then he tried to get up, by putting his weight on his right arm. Immediate tears and lots of yelling. Kieran isn't one to cry for no reason. He then stood up and was holding his right arm with his left. I knew. I knew it was broken.
I made him wiggle his fingers and even move the arm. Then I tried to bend his elbow. Nope. Bad move. More tears. More yelling. So, I called my husband at work, explained the situation and said I needed to take Kieran to the ER. Bill was home in less than 10 minutes and I took off with Kieran. We spend 3 hours at Cincinnati's Children's Hospital. They did X-rays, confirmed that his elbow had a buckle fracture, splinted it and sent us home. The poor little guy just wanted that splint off. Luckily, he has enough words to understand some things. I explained that his elbow is broken and the 'special sock' would help it feel better. He looked at me with his big, watery, blue eyes and said, 'Arm, boke? Arm better?'
'Yep, it's going to get better.' I put him to bed as soon as we got home and he's been fine ever since. We got his permanent cast done yesterday morning. It's waterproof and bright blue (to match his watery, blue eyes). He hated the radiology department, because it was dark and they kept moving his broken elbow, everything else was fine. Soren came with us for the cast appointment and he was awesome. He told Kieran all about the time he broke his own arm (that's right, this is the second broken bone in our little family) and got a green cast. He strongly suggested that Kieran get a green cast, too. Kieran had no interest in the green, but he was looking at the pink and purple. I decided on blue because it will match most of his clothes. Soren lost interest pretty quickly and really just wanted to tell everyone about the Lego Batman game he was playing on the iPad. Fine. As long as you're happy and not driving me more insane than I already am, it's just FINE!
Kieran is my daredevil. He has no fear. He wants to try EVERYTHING and to keep doing whatever it is until he has conquered it. I love that about him. Usually. I would prefer that he not break any more bones, but I don't want to squelch his curiosity or his adventurous spirit. I just want to keep him alive. Is that too much? Seriously. IS IT? Sometimes life just piles on more stress at exactly the wrong moment. Not that you're ever sitting at home, relaxing and saying, 'Yeah, I'm a little bored. Maybe a crisis would liven things up!' No, we don't really ask for these events, but they happen. They will continue to happen. However, I humbly ask the Universe to give us a tiny, little break. We've had enough, for right now. More than enough, frankly. ENOUGH! Get it, Universe?
As usual, I turn to my form of free therapy. I write. Even on the bad days. Even on the total SHIT days. My hope is that, if you're having one of those days, at least misery loves company. And, when I'm back to feeling like the world is a beautiful, amazing place, I hope you'll read that part, too. Maybe it will be tomorrow? Or next week? Stay tuned...
I scooped Kieran up and tried to figure out what part was hurting. I couldn't tell. Then he tried to get up, by putting his weight on his right arm. Immediate tears and lots of yelling. Kieran isn't one to cry for no reason. He then stood up and was holding his right arm with his left. I knew. I knew it was broken.

'Yep, it's going to get better.' I put him to bed as soon as we got home and he's been fine ever since. We got his permanent cast done yesterday morning. It's waterproof and bright blue (to match his watery, blue eyes). He hated the radiology department, because it was dark and they kept moving his broken elbow, everything else was fine. Soren came with us for the cast appointment and he was awesome. He told Kieran all about the time he broke his own arm (that's right, this is the second broken bone in our little family) and got a green cast. He strongly suggested that Kieran get a green cast, too. Kieran had no interest in the green, but he was looking at the pink and purple. I decided on blue because it will match most of his clothes. Soren lost interest pretty quickly and really just wanted to tell everyone about the Lego Batman game he was playing on the iPad. Fine. As long as you're happy and not driving me more insane than I already am, it's just FINE!
Kieran is my daredevil. He has no fear. He wants to try EVERYTHING and to keep doing whatever it is until he has conquered it. I love that about him. Usually. I would prefer that he not break any more bones, but I don't want to squelch his curiosity or his adventurous spirit. I just want to keep him alive. Is that too much? Seriously. IS IT? Sometimes life just piles on more stress at exactly the wrong moment. Not that you're ever sitting at home, relaxing and saying, 'Yeah, I'm a little bored. Maybe a crisis would liven things up!' No, we don't really ask for these events, but they happen. They will continue to happen. However, I humbly ask the Universe to give us a tiny, little break. We've had enough, for right now. More than enough, frankly. ENOUGH! Get it, Universe?
As usual, I turn to my form of free therapy. I write. Even on the bad days. Even on the total SHIT days. My hope is that, if you're having one of those days, at least misery loves company. And, when I'm back to feeling like the world is a beautiful, amazing place, I hope you'll read that part, too. Maybe it will be tomorrow? Or next week? Stay tuned...
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