Boys, Balloons and Boxes

I know this isn't a new concept, but it appears that the cheapest, easiest, most available tools work best for keeping little guys entertained for hours. They get creative, imagine new worlds and generally just enjoy being kids. I love to watch this happen. Nothing gives me more pleasure than seeing my boys enjoying each other and simple things. We build forts and caves out of cushions, chairs and blankets. We imagine we're in space, traveling through time or fighting a battle against evil villains. Pretending is my favorite thing to do with my boys. My older son is now four and a half and is really into role playing and making up stories. I've been looking forward to this phase ever since I was a little girl pretending to be a mom, or Wonder Woman.
That being said, even balloons and boxes can somehow become weapons of mass destruction. We've had plenty of things knocked over, feelings hurt and eyes poked. They fall into and out of the boxes. They fall or pounce on each other. It's normal kids stuff, but I find that's the stuff that really pushes my stress buttons. When the noise level goes up, so does my anxiety level. Maybe I need to start wearing earplugs?!
OR, perhaps I just need to breathe and realize that they are kids. They're loud, clumsy and not always on their best behavior. I correct them when I need to, and sometimes when I don't need to. I wish there was a magic answer for the 'right' amount of correction. Until that magical answer appears, I guess I'll just have to keep coming up with my own answers. It's a journey and it's a pretty interesting one, at that.
I hope you're all having a good journey today. Thanks so much for reading!
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