Opting Out of Traditional Education
I recently climbed down off the fence of indecision about homeschooling. I feel so much better now! It was getting really uncomfortable up there! The sense of freedom that I'm now experiencing is beyond compare. My brain is exploding with ideas and possibilities. This is going to be fun!
I think a popular misconception about homeschooling is that you have to stay home and teach your kids for eight hours a day. That's not how it has to be. You can choose any curriculum, or choose to create your own. You do have to follow the requirements of the state you live in, but I've found that meeting Ohio's standards is pretty easy. It's laughable, actually. Then again, state education requirements usually are. My kids are capable of a lot more than the government will ever ask of them.
That's right, fun! I'm not thinking about all the 'work' right now. The amazing thing is that even work can be fun, when you're doing what you love. There's nothing I love more than teaching my boys. I love figuring out what motivates them and what they're interested in. I especially love when they discover those things for themselves. Children will make those discoveries all on their own, if we LET them. We just have to create an environment where they can explore and experiment. They should be free to pursue their own interests.

My problem with traditional schools (both private and public) is that they just aren't challenging enough for smart kids. They also throw up obstacles constantly. They waste time. They demotivate and squash curiosity. They expect all children to learn in the same way at the same time! It's complete insanity. Teachers aren't able to teach because they have to focus on tests and assessments. They have to spend so much time trying to discipline children and teach them basic life skills that they are unable to educate. The smart kids get the shaft in this scenario. The kids who dare to think differently are left out. The kid who's imagination never stops and dreams of big things is ignored or told to conform.
My husband and I also have an issue with the philosophical bent of the public and private schools in this country. The public schools indoctrinate our children with a socialist bent. The private schools indoctrinate our children with a religious one. As we are neither socialist nor religious, we are opting out of traditional education.
Ok, let's back up a little. I realize that many of my previous statements were very extreme. It's not that I think all schools are terrible or that all teachers are unable to teach in the current system. I think there are great teachers out there and I'm sure many children are able to get good educations, in spite of the system. I just want to remove the spite. The homeschooling option is the best one for our family, for so many reasons. I hope you enjoy reading about our journey! It's going to be a wild ride!
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