Our Montessori Adventure

We officially became a homeschooling family last week! I'm using a Montessori Homeschooling curriculum and I absolutely love it. My boys are now almost six and almost three, and we're already getting great results.

When I tell people that we have decided to try homeschooling, I get a variety of responses.  They range from, 'You're insane!' to, 'Oh, how... interesting.' to 'How does that work? What do you do all day??'

Well, for the truly curious or for those considering this endeavor, here's a typical day at our house. This is subject to change and every homeschooling situation is different, but this is working for us at the moment:

6:00am: Rise and shine. My husband works out while I make breakfast for our boys. They have always been early risers, so we do not need to wake them up. I'm a firm believer in letting people sleep when they need to sleep and not on someone else's schedule. This means a very early bedtime (7:30) for the boys.

6:30am: I work out.

7:00am: I eat breakfast, take a shower and get dressed.

8:30am: Boys get dressed, brush their teeth and comb their hair. (Kieran still needs a little help)

9:00am: Head downstairs to the classroom.

9:05am: Circle time. Morning song (right now it's 'It's such a good feeling' from Mr. Rogers.  If I'm ready to demonstrate a new activity, I do that at this time and then show the boys where they can find the work later.

9:15am: The boys choose their work.  They work on each activity for as long as they like, then put away the materials and clean up their workspace.  This is done for each activity, not just at the end of the day.

11:45am: Closing circle time.  We chat about the day and sing our song again.

12:00pm: Lunch

12:30pm: Play outside

1:00pm: Kieran's nap time. Soren can play outside with friends, play inside or read. I relax for a bit then plan some new activities for school.

3:00pm: Kieran gets up. I do housework and make dinner while the boys play.

5:00pm: All of us have dinner together

6:00pm: My husband plays with the boys while I DO WHATEVER I WANT TO DO

7:15pm: Boys have baths and my husband and I tag team the bedtime routine.

8:00pm: Boys are asleep and my husband and I collapse from exhaustion and watch Netflix.

That's it. That's our day. You'll notice that there are two and a half hours of the boys choosing their work. That's because, in a Montessori classroom, the children are free to choose their own activities.  As the teacher, I demonstrate each work and explain, as simply as possible, how they should use it.  I teach them how to clean up their workspace. I let them solve their own problems, as much as possible. I observe. I try not to talk too much. (My greatest challenge, thus far.)

Fortunately, both of my boys got to attend a wonderful Montessori program before I chose to embark on my new mission. Soren went for 2 years and Kieran went last year, while I observed.  That experience really prepared all of us and gave me the confidence I needed.

We've been enjoying our days more than we ever have before. The boys are excited to go to our classroom every day and often want to start early. It is truly the best use of all of our time. I have been a stay at home mom ever since I got pregnant with our first son, but this is different. It's better. I didn't think it could get better, but it has. I love surprises like that.


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