Father's Day Preparations Continue

Today has been very busy.  In addition to the normal stuff, Soren and I built a new train track, I cleaned the kitchen and the downstairs bathroom.  I made some chicken salad for lunch and started simmering a pot of homemade stock on the back burner.  Several loads of laundry have been sorted, washed and folded and the baby is down for a nap.  Whew.

As I go through my chores, I'm planning my menu for Father's Day dinner.  My parents and my husband's parents will be at our house on Sunday afternoon and I want to have as much done ahead of time as I possibly can.  I have to finish cleaning today and tomorrow.  I'll bake the angel food cake (my husband's favorite) tomorrow.  I have to run to the store tomorrow because I forgot all my fresh herbs when I went earlier this week.  Okay, I didn't actually forget.  I knew I needed them for Sunday dinner, but my baby was losing his mind and screaming like a banshee, so I said, 'forget it', or something close to that phrase.

I think I will also try to find a giant frame for the ever-evolving art project that Soren and I have been working on this week.  I can't wait to see the look on my husband's face when he sees it.  It is 2'x4' and will be perfect over the mantel in the living room, in the office or in the dining room.  I'll leave that up to Bill.  It's his gift, after all.  Now, it might seem strange to some people to frame and hang their child's artwork, but wait until you see it...  I've seen a lot worse with a $500.00 price tag.  You know those paintings that look like they were done by a monkey on crack?  Well, this is much better.

We also made cards for all the dads.  Soren patiently wrote out 'Happy Father's Day!' and signed his name.  His letters are getting better every day.  I'm pretty impressed that he's so willing to sit and work on it with me.  Have I mentioned that he's three?  Well, come on!  That's awesome!

All of these preparations have a couple of purposes.  First and foremost, we want Bill to have a fantastic Father's Day.  He's an amazing dad and we want him to know how much we appreciate him.  The other thing that's happening behind the scenes is about Soren.  He's learning that it's fun to work on a project for someone.  He's learning that we need to tell people how important they are to us.  He's learning to show his appreciation for his dad.  He's learning things about art, process, writing and reading.  Our children learn the most simply by doing things with us.


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