Another Milestone...
Kieran pulled himself up to stand for the first time yesterday! He was so proud of himself. I was washing dishes after dinner and my husband was playing with Kieran in the dining/play room. We were chatting and suddenly my husband exclaimed, 'Hey! Look at Kieran!' Sure enough, he was standing there, holding onto the bars like he's been doing it his whole life. We called Soren in and celebrated the event all together. We clapped, took pictures and told Kieran how happy we are. Soren was thrilled. He kept saying, 'Good job, Kieran! You're standing up!' I'll never forget that moment. Our last baby isn't really a baby anymore.
It's all going so fast! Sometimes, when you have an infant, you feel like time is standing still and you can't imagine a time when you will sleep well and not have a baby attached to your body at all times of the day and night. Then, magically, just when you think you can't take it anymore, they start changing. They eat, sleep, crawl, walk, talk and it happens at the speed of light. I suppose it's time to baby proof the rest of the house and let this little guy explore!
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