Downtown with Soren and Kieran

We hid from the rain at our favorite ice cream place on Fountain Square. It was the perfect place to stay dry and have a treat. After we were appropriately fortified, we went to the jewelry store, the department store, the post office and the library. We didn't have one issue, meltdown or problem. It was the best morning ever. Literally. Soren, who is only three, held open every door for me, so I could push the stroller through. He stayed with me and held my hand to cross the busy city streets.

Kieran had a bottle while Soren and I enjoyed our treats. I changed his diaper at the department store and the library. He didn't cry once.

So, I am celebrating! I know it is totally possible that we could have a meltdown at any moment, so I am enjoying the now. I made sure to tell Soren how much I appreciated all of his help. I also told him that when he behaves so nicely, it makes me realize that we can do even more fun things. He's pretty proud of himself. He has every reason to be.


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