Taking Care of Your Instruments

Our piano was tuned yesterday.  I shined it up and almost restored it to it's former glory (a little lemon oil goes a long way).  I have an appointment with Cincinnati Fluteworks this afternoon and will have my beautiful flute repaired and polished.  It's been about 15 years since I even had it looked at... maybe more.

I play music with my kids on a regular basis, but the fact that my instruments weren't in top shape had been bothering me for quite a while.  I can't play a B flat with my thumb.  That's a major problem for the flute, since B flat is used quite a lot.  Now that I'm teaching a music class with our homeschool co-op, I just can't tolerate an instrument that doesn't work properly.  So, I decided to stop working around the problem and just fix it.

My husband is thrilled.  He hates it when things aren't working well, or when instruments are not cared for properly.  I do, too, but I'm willing to work around the problems for longer than he is.

I think this extends to other areas of life, too.  I'm finally realizing that I need to take care of all the instruments that are important to me.  My voice and my entire body need more care.  That's why I'm having a hysterectomy in March.  I get to keep my ovaries and my cervix, so that's good.  No early menopause for me!

The pain that will be eliminated from my life will be enormous!  No more 2 week periods.  No more taking four Advils every five hours for at least four days per month.  No more staying on the couch for hours every day because I have horrific cramps and lots of back pain.  YAY!!!  My husband did the math and figured our that I will save myself three years of pain, over the next twelve years (until I hit menopause).   That's not even counting the emotional pain that I sometimes inflict on the other members of my family.  I get angry and very short-tempered when I'm in pain.  That impacts the people I love.  They worry about me, but they also get tired of me being in a horrible mood.

I'm also exercising and eating better.  My body is thanking me, in so many ways.  I can sing better, play better and enjoy my family more.  I can dance.  My knees don't hurt anymore.  My shoulders don't hurt.  My ankles don't feel like they're going to give out.  My clothes fit.  I can bend over to tie my shoes.  I can get dressed without sitting down to put my pants on.  Come on!  That's huge!

All of the above benefits are the direct result of caring for myself in a way that I haven't in quite some time.  The rewards are everywhere.  Every single thing is getting better.  Try it!


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