Hope > Grief

I know, this isn't a very uplifting topic.  Or, is it?  We have all grieved or are currently grieving.  We grieve for loved ones who are no longer with us.  We grieve for failed relationships.  We grieve for lost jobs, dreams we've given up on or people who have disappointed us.

We also grieve for ourselves.  We grieve when our bodies fail us.  We grieve when we let ourselves down.  We grieve when we feel that we've messed up, yet again.  Grief is one of the most powerful emotional experiences we will ever have.

What is more powerful than grief?  Hope.  At the end of the grieving time, there is acceptance.  After acceptance, we can begin to forgive ourselves, work on the problems and move forward again.  Grief can stop us dead in our tracks, or help us reevaluate our situation.  After we reevaluate, we can learn.  Once we have learned, we can move on.

Once we move on, we can be hopeful.  I'm in a hopeful place today.  I've learned a lot.  I've worked hard.  I will continue to work hard.  I'm hopeful.

Hope is more powerful than grief.


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