Rock the Drum Heads!
Today is the last day of Bunbury, 2013. I feel both relieved and sad. It has been one of the most amazing weekends of our lives as a family and for Bill, professionally. I got to go to the festival with two of my best friends on Friday. My parents generously offered to keep our boys overnight so I could have the 'adult' festival experience. THANK YOU, MOM and DAD! I will never forget that night. I got to see so many friends and family. The weather was as perfect as it could possibly be. The music was mind-blowing and the overall production was seamless and smooth. Bill actually got to stop running around like a mad man while the headliner, Fun, played. I got to stand next to my husband and watch the entire thing. I admit to getting a little choked up. Not because of the amazing Fun (although they were fantastic). It just suddenly hit me that everything that was happening in that park, and the thousands of people, were all there because of Bill.
Ticket to Bunbury - $65.00
Beer at Bunbury - $$$$ (depending on how much you drink)
Funnel Cakes - $$ (impacted by how much you drink)
I took Soren with me yesterday so he could hear his dad play with Messerly and Ewing. It was a great show, as usual. At one point, Soren stood up, put his fists in the air and yelled, 'MY DAD IS ROCKIN' THE DRUM HEADS!' It was perfect. We were all hanging out in a shady spot of the audience, but Soren couldn't stand to be that far away from the stage. He ran down and stood, all by himself, watching his daddy. Again, I got a little choked up. Most kids look up to their dads. I certainly did and still do. But, it has to be an entirely different thing to see your dad (or mom) on stage, performing for a bunch of people. Soren looked a little star struck, but mostly he just seemed really into the music.

I know exactly how he feels.
Ticket to Bunbury - $65.00
Beer at Bunbury - $$$$ (depending on how much you drink)
Funnel Cakes - $$ (impacted by how much you drink)

I know exactly how he feels.
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