I Don't Hate Doctors

I realize that my recent post may have seemed like I'm demonizing the entire medical community.  That was not my intention and I'm very sorry if I offended any of the good doctors and nurses out there.  One of my friends who is a pediatrician alerted me to the harsh tone of my blog entitled 'First Do No Harm'.  I admit to blogging in anger, yet again.

It's just that we've had so many bad experiences lately.  Most of those experiences were completely unnecessary and one of them was even caused by medication.  I know there are good doctors out there who do understand that a healthy lifestyle is the way to treat many health issues.  I know that it's my job to find these doctors so that we can work towards better health for our kids.  I also know that people are only as good as the information that is available to them.  It's hard to find good data about nutrition when our government is still pushing the traditional food pyramid.  It's hard to break through to people who are still holding onto the idea that all fat is bad and you should eat six grain servings per day.  Don't get me started on the food served in hospitals.

I also know that insurance companies place so many requirements and restrictions on doctors and hospitals that it's difficult for them to just care for patients.  That is also directly related to our government.  Drug companies make it difficult, too, but they are also a product of OUR GOVERNMENT.  Nationalized health care is the worst possible thing we could have done to fix it.  Thank you, President Obama, for dooming us in yet another way.  It's not all his fault, though.  He's just making a bad situation much, much worse.

Please understand that I used to be one of the worst offenders when it came to an unhealthy lifestyle.  I ate tons of fast and processed food.  I drank a lot of soda.  Diet soda.  Yikes!  I even smoked for a very long time.  But, it's never too late to do better, until it's really too late.  I figure if I can teach my kids how to take care of their bodies now, they won't have to learn it when they're 37.


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