I Will Never Quit

My older son, Soren, had Tae Kwon Do class today.  It was the end of his introductory month, so we met with the owner to discuss the financial agreement going forward.  He explained that we could cancel, as long as we gave thirty days notice.  Soren, with a very serious expression, looked right at the owner and said:

"I will never quit.  I will eventually get my black belt.  I don't care how long it takes, but I will never quit."

The owner said, "That's great, but just so you know, only 1 in every 100 students actually receives a black belt.  It gets more complicated and more challenging, the higher you go."

Soren was not moved by that in the slightest.  He simply said, "I will never quit."

In that moment, I really believed him.  He knows that it could take years.  He knows he has a lot to learn.  Still, he seemed so sure of himself.  If he truly understands what it means to never give up, then we've really achieved something.  It might be the most important lesson he can ever learn.  Only time will tell.


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