Superman, Super Girl and the Dragon
My four year old and I wrote a movie script this evening. That's right. We wrote a little script called, 'Superman, Super Girl and the Dragon'. My son came up with the title, the story, the costumes and the dialogue. Rehearsals start tomorrow, during the baby's nap time. We will make our costumes the next day and start shooting on Friday. The baby plays the dragon. My husband will play himself. Soren is Superman, of course. I am Super Girl. I might try to change that to Wonder Woman, but we'll see if the director is comfortable with that.
I told him, during our script writing session, that I actually used to be in plays and even a couple of student films. I explained that I wanted to be an actress when I was younger. He was floored. He asked if I was up on a stage in front of lots of people. I said that I was... many, many times. I didn't stop acting until I was about 26. It was only community theater, but I still loved it. He asked why I stopped acting. I said that I had a job and was very busy and just didn't want to do it anymore. That's the truth. The last show I did just confirmed for me that my decision to change my major from Theater to Communications, was a good one.
I let Soren stay up for an extra 30 minutes so that we could finish the script and our plan for production. He was so into it. I WAS SO INTO IT! It was, quite literally, the most fun I've had all week. That kid is cool. I almost forgot I was 'Mom' for an hour. I didn't need to tell him what to do or correct his behavior. I didn't feel the need to 'teach' him something. I just went with it. Of course, he will learn a great deal from this project. I just hope he'll get the most important thing from this endeavor: FUN! We're making our own fun TOGETHER. I want him to see this other side of me. I want him to know that I have a creative, playful, imaginative side. It's something we can have that's just for us. We need more one-on-one things.

He seemed disappointed. He told me that I could still be in a play again, if I want to and that he would clap for me. Man, that kid is just about as awesome as they come. However, I told him that I'm having much more fun being his mom than I ever did on stage. Maybe someday, when I have more free time (or any free time) acting will be something I try again. But, right now, I'm doing exactly what I want to do.
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